China just before the Chinese New Year

After spending over a week in Shanghai I managed to look through all my photos, both taken with my SLR camera and iPhone. I noticed that with a phone I’m able to catch more scenes of everyday life whereas with my Canon I focus on large and impactful frames. I’m not sure whether it’s easier to grab a phone and get the camera going within one click or to lift the SLR and release the shutter. Definitely operating the phone camera is much easier in cold winter conditions as it was the case for Shanghai in February. Apart from being chilly Shanghai welcomed us with rather thick layers of smog, which as you’ll be able to see, created some fantastic effects worth capturing.

Also I wouldn’t be myself if I didn’t mention the food – which was fabulous. I managed to get some great recommendations from local Shanghainese friends and expats and visited fantastic restaurants, breweries and speakeasy bars… I will definitely be back for more…


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